
Showing posts from May, 2019

20. Japan Surrenders

On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29  bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese  city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and  immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of  radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A- bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor  Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in  a radio address on August 15, citing the devastating power of “a new and  most cruel bomb.” Click the link to complete the assignment 1. How many Japanese were killed in the immediate bomb blasts in both cities ? 120,000 in both cites 2. Choose a picture from the link . What number photo did you pick? 3. Describe your photo who is in it: you can see a man was in it what ...

16. Kristallnacht - Night if Broken Glass

On November 9 to November 10, 1938, in an incident known as  “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish  homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. In the  aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some  30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.  German Jews had been subjected to repressive policies since 1933, when  Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany.  However, prior to Kristallnacht, these Nazi policies had been primarily  nonviolent. After Kristallnacht, conditions for German Jews grew  increasingly worse. During World War II (1939-45), Hitler and the Nazis  implemented their so-called “Final Solution” to the what they referred to as  the “Jewish problem,” and carried out the systematic murder of some 6  million European Jews in what...

17. Hitler's Rise to Power

1. How WW1 help start WW2 for Germany ? because germany was mad about WW1 so they wanted to get back at them  2. What did Hitler promise tp do for Germany? turn germany to greatness 3.How did the Great Depression in Germany lead to WW2? was depression for a strong leader 4. When did Hitler run for President? 1932 5.How did he become president ? appointed 6. What did Hitler do other political parties after he became President ? he would kill whoever to run for president  7. What were Jews banned from doing? being public places voting working

21. Cold War

During  World War II , the United States and the  Soviet Union  fought together as allies against the Axis powers. However, the relationship between the two nations was a tense one. Americans had long been wary of Soviet  communism  and concerned about Russian leader  Joseph Stalin ’s tyrannical, blood-thirsty rule of his own country. For their part, the Soviets resented the Americans’ decades-long refusal to treat the USSR as a legitimate part of the international community as well as their  delayed entry  into World War II, which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of Russians. After the war ended, these grievances ripened into an overwhelming sense of mutual distrust and enmity.  Postwar Soviet expansionism in Eastern Europe fueled many Americans’ fears of a Russian plan to control the world. Meanwhile, the USSR came to resent what they perceived as American officials’ bellicose rhetoric (tough talk), arms buildup and interventio...

18. U.S Enters WWII

Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the  scene of a devastating surprise attack by Japanese forces on December 7,  1941. Just before 8 a.m. on that Sunday morning, hundreds of Japanese  fighter planes descended on the base, where they managed to destroy or  damage nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight battleships, and  over 300 airplanes. More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, including  civilians, and another 1,000 people were wounded. The day after the  assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on  Japan. 1. What major event made the U.S. declare war on Japan and enter WWII Pearl Harbor 2. How many U.S. battleships and airplanes were destroyed ? 8 battleships and 300 airplanes 3. Who did the President ask to declare war? Congress 4. Find a picture of a battle ship sunk during Pearl Harbor and paste it 5. Google how close Hawaii is to Japan : 4,108 miles away

15. Fascism

1. What is a fascism ? They believe race  and your country are the most important, violence solve all problems 2.What does it mean to be an authoritarian? governing that values order and control over personal freedom 3. What does it mean to be a nationalist ? the person who strongly identify their nation 4. List a fascist dictator from each country Italy: Benito Mussolini Germany: Adorlf Hitler Spain:  Francisco Franco Bahamonde 5. How did fascists oppress people who disagreed with them? if you disagreed with them they kill you

7. What Caused The Great Depression - Business Cycle

1. What is a peak?  you cant sell anymore 2. What is a recession?  demand are less 3. What is a trough? No customers 4. What is a recovery? start to get new customers Next we will look at how the iPhone fits into our model of a business cycle. Look at these news headlines from the past 1. How do the news headlines change from beginning to end?  In the beginning they didn't have as much sales  2. Which headline applies to a peak and which headline applies to a recession of iPhone sales? 3.  What could happen to the people who work at Apple if people stop demanding iPhones? they could lose their jobs  4. What could happen to the town where is Apple is located if more people demand less iPhones?  the town could become very poorly  5. Look at the graph that shows iPhone sales over the past 10 years.  What does this...

3. March 17th - March 22nd Women Through Time Project 2 WWI

World War I Step 1: Discover a youtube video that talks about what women did during WWI Step 2: Embed your video within your blog post Step 3: List 5 facts you learned from your video  women played important roles  some dressed as men and were soilders  other women supported the military Elizabeth Van Lew worked with the government   there were women who were on & behind the battlefields 

4. Women and World War 2 Part 2

1. What is the defense industry ? they make weapons 2.  How did minority women suffer they suffered because these jobs were for men 3. How many women served in the armed forces during WWII ? 350,000 women served 4. How did women working in factories change the idea of what women were capable of? women can do the work as men 5. What did the WASPs do during the war? They worked as nurses, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, and performed clerical work to free up men for combat. 6. What happened to women's jobs after the war was over? if you was over 14 they worked outside their home 5. Who was Rosie the Riverter and what was her purpose? 6. Include a picture of Rosie in your blog post American women and World War II World War II provided a new level of opportunities for American women to enter into jobs that had never before been open to women, particularly in the defense industry. Women faced challenges in overcoming cultural stereotypes against working...

2. March 11th - March 15th Women and the Civil War

Use this link to answer the following questions What were women doing during the Civil War ? They were still in the civil war  going to war undercover or being scouts 1. Women who fought in the Union  they baked and canned and planted fruit and vegetable gardens for the soldiers) 2. Women who were on the side of Confederacy?   They provided uniforms, blankets, sandbags 3. Slaves and Freedwomen The Confederate Army frequently impressed male slaves, and slaveowners fleeing from Union troops often took their valuable male slaves, but not women and children.

12. Green New Deal

What is a Green New Deal? A Green New Deal is a big, bold transformation of the economy to tackle the twin crises of inequality and climate change. It would mobilize vast public resources to help us transition from an economy built on exploitation and fossil fuels to one driven by dignified work and clean energy.  1. Find out who is Alexandria Oscasio Cortez?  Democrat congresswomen who won in 2018 2.  Watch the video below until 1:41 Name 3 things the Green New Deal wants to do climate change , greenhouse gas down to zero ,  3.What does the word "Green" mean when it comes to the treatment of the environment? Why is the Green New Deal called "Green"? Free education for life , safe affordable housing ,government health care 4.  Do you agree or disagree with "medicare for all"   I agree because everyone would be healthy it would be free for poor people who doesn't have health care. Do you agree or disagree that we should replace fossil fue...